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P. 57
Q) Miss, where you always a teacher or did you leave a profession to
become a teacher?
Mrs. Kasundika: No, I left a profession and came here.
Q) Oh, so do you mind telling us what profession did you work in before
and why you left it?
Mrs. Kasundika: Well, it’s a bit complicated to tell exactly in one word… It’s
more like research. I was into research. Largely in the arena of
environmental course. I was mostly with World Bank, some UN
organizations and IOCN before coming to my new career of teaching. And
you wanted to know why I left right? Well it was mostly the change of
priorities. My priorities changed from focusing on my career to my little
one. Family came first so I decided that the hours were more flexible as a
teacher. Now I have more time to spend with my family. So it’s just a
change of priorities in life.
Q) What made you become a teacher?
There are other jobs that also have
flexible working hours so why did u
become a teacher?
Mrs. Kasundika: That was one of the most interesting
questions. I am a very passionate teacher.
[Laughs] I don’t know whether you see that in my
teachings. I put my heart and soul into teaching. I have
been a researcher and all and that was a high paying job
but teaching, teaching is a transformative job because it
is a daily learning experience. I am not only teaching, I
learn a lot by 0bserving my students, by the questions
that they raise. I really enjoy it. It makes me a better
person I believe.