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P. 48
I tried to wake but it did not work.
All I could see was a deep black. I felt like I was in an unlimited space
though I could not see anyone or anything. I was desperate to be freed
fromthis but I could not escape. I felt like I had been tied down by
amillion chains and I could not even move.
A flash of colours filled the deep black space and now I could see a
blurred image of someonemoving towards another person.What was
this? Suddenlymymemory of this incident came back clearly, now the
images became clearer and it stopped being an image and became like
amovie that was recorded inmy brain as the incident happened. The
video was firstmoving slowly like when a stop-motion animator was
compiling his work and slowly the video gained speed and the images
became sharper.What was happening to me? I first saw the
background, it was a long rectangular roomthat was whitewashed. On
one side of the wall was a broken brown table and on the other side,
the side where two unclear people were, was a chair and someone was
tied onto it.
I finally saw the two people. It wasme and SarahHols; I had been given a
contract by her deputy to kill her, so I caught her as she was about to
leave for home after work. She looked quite extravagant as she wore a
crimson dress and plenty of jewellery.Her face looked leathery and she
applied toomuchmakeup which onlymade her look worse.Her lips were
thin and were heavily applied with cherry red lipstick and her dark hair
was cut so short that anyone couldmistake her for aman wearing a
dress.As a whole, she looked like a lizard trying to look like a doll. Maybe
that was why I enjoyed killing her. She didn’t look like someone who the
world would need.
I now saw the action, I had just tied hermassive body which was
struggling frantically into a chair. I saw myself taking the sleek black
gun fromthe inner compartment inmy coat effortlessly. It was fast and
effective because
its needle-like bullets were almost impossible to see with a human eye
and it was not just bullets but bullets with poison in them.Hols was tied
thoroughly in her chair.Her eyes were full of horror as I had the gun
inmy hand. She struggled frantically to get free from the thick ropes
but she was unsuccessful.