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father. The play was set in a small village in the 1920s and everyone’s attire was
exquisitely perfect for the occasion. The plot twisting end caught everyone off
guard, with Mrs Slater’s father rising back from the dead (or so they like to
believe), and the portrayal of the Slater family’s shock was highlighted flawlessly
by all the actors. The play would not have been complete without the perfect
portrayal of the Slater family.

Red house
“Visitor from Forest Hills” by Neil Simon, directed by Taalya Ramanayake and
Devmini Wimalasena, was the play red house tackled. Turmoil wreaked in suite 719
of the Plaza Hotel as pre-wedding jitters got the best of the bride. The attempt
of soothing the nerves of the bride-to-be by both mother and future and mother-
in-law was side splitting as it felt like the bride’s family were the ones who needed
to calm down. The entertaining performance put on by all the actors made this
unforgettable. Unfortunately, they fell short by a minuscule margin when
compared to the top two houses.
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